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Label name: Tetradesmus deserticola L.A. Lewis & Flechtner
Label header: G.S. Torrey Herbarium of the University of Connecticut (CONN)
Verification summary: Label name: Tetradesmus deserticola L.A. Lewis & Flechtner

Locality information: USA: California: Ventura County: San Nicolas Island: San Nicolas Island. Desert. 33°12'0"N, 119°24'0"W.
Accuracy of georeference / locality: GPS accuracy
Collector(s) and number(s): Belnap, J.
Collection date: Jul 1993
Description: Colonies grown on agar mounded, grainy, moist; yellow to olive when young, becoming bright orange to red with age. Cells solitary, variable in form. Cells crescent- to lemon-shaped with pointed ends when young, becoming oval to almost spherical with age. Small protrusions evident at poles in some cells. In liquid cultures, long thin extensions evident at each end of crescent cells. Crescent-shaped cells 3–8 µm wide by 4.5-16 µm long. Oval cells 7–21 µm wide by 8–24 µm long. Uninucleate. Chloroplast parietal with a single lobe. Clear pyrenoid with obvious starch hull. Granular cytoplasm. Orange to red oil droplets, sometimes copious, in aging cells. Two to eight autospores produced by longitudinal division. No motile stages or colony formation observed in liquid culture. Supported as distinct based on molecular phylogenetic analysis of plastid rbcL and tufA, and nuclear ITS2 rDNA data (Lewis & Flechtner, 2004; Hegewald et al., 2013; Scutio et al., 2015) with GenBank accession numbers HQ246360, HQ246379, AY510471 from strain SNI-2. Holotype: permanent slide of strain SNI-2 deposited at George Safford Torrey Herbarium, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, U.S.A. (CONN00226458).
Phenology: sterile/vegetative
Location in CONN: Dry Storage
Barcode: CONN00226458
Last edited: SET 23 JAN 19

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