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Label name: Physcomitrium schummii U. Schwartz
Label header: Flora India | HERBARIUM Uwe Schwarz
Verification summary: Label name: Physcomitrium schummii U. Schwartz

Locality information: India: Karnataka: Coorg: Kabbinakad: North facing side of Ridge Walk Hill. Remnant forest. 1,290 m. 12°12'50.6"N, 75°39'24.3"E.
Accuracy of georeference / locality: GPS accuracy
Collector(s) and number(s): Schwartz, Uwe 12314
Collection date: 24 Dec 2013
Description: On soil at the shaded bank along the track
Phenology: flowering/fruiting
Location in CONN: Dry Storage
Barcode: CONN00226541
Specimen cited in: Schwarz, U. 2016. Physcomitrium schummii sp. nov. from Karnataka, India with a synopsis of the Funariaceae in India. _Frahmia 13(2):pl. 1.
Other label info: Florenregion: Indian Region, Western Ghats
Last edited: SET 14 MAY 19

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