Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Flora Europaea Search Results

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Hits 1 to 10 of 19 matching Cheilanthes



Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Rank: genus
Reference: Syn. Fil. 5 & 126 (1806)
Name status: Accepted


Cheilanthes acrostica (Balb.) Tod.
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: acrostica
Rank: species
Reference: Gior. Sci. Nat. Econ. Palermo 1: 215 (1866)
Name status: Accepted
  • Cheilanthes odora Sw.
  • Cheilanthes fragrans auct. pro parte, non (L.) Sw.

Distribution: Al Az Bl Co Cr Ga Gr Hs It Ju Lu Sa Si
Mediterranean region; Portugal, Açores


Cheilanthes catanensis (Cosent.) H.P.Fuchs
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: catanensis
Rank: species
Reference: Brit. Fern Gaz. 9: 45 (1961)
Name status: Synonym
Accepted name(s):
  • Cosentinia vellea (Aiton) Tod.


Cheilanthes catanensis (Cosent.) H.P.Fuchs
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: catanensis
Rank: species
Reference: Brit. Fern Gaz. 9: 45 (1961)
Name status: Accepted
  • Notholaena lanuginosa (Desf.) Poir.


Cheilanthes corsica Reichst. & Vida
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: corsica
Rank: species
Name status: Synonym
Accepted name(s):
  • Cheilanthes tinaei Tod.


Cheilanthes fragrans (L.) Sw.
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: fragrans
Rank: species
Reference: Syn. Fil. 127/325 excl. descr. (1806)
Name status: Synonym
Accepted name(s):
  • Cheilanthes maderensis Lowe


Cheilanthes fragrans auct. pro parte, non (L.) Sw.
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: fragrans
Rank: species
Name status: Synonym
Accepted name(s):
  • Cheilanthes guanchica Bolle
  • Cheilanthes acrostica (Balb.) Tod.


Cheilanthes guanchica Bolle
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: guanchica
Rank: species
Reference: Bonplandia 7: 107 (1859)
Name status: Accepted
  • Cheilanthes fragrans auct. pro parte, non (L.) Sw.

Distribution: Co ?Ga Gr Hs It Lu Sa
Mediterranean region; Portugal


Cheilanthes hispanica Mett.
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: hispanica
Rank: species
Reference: Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. 3: 74 (1859)
Name status: Accepted
Distribution: Ga Hs Lu Sa
S.W. Europe


Cheilanthes maderensis Lowe
Family: Adiantaceae
Genus: Cheilanthes
Species: maderensis
Rank: species
Reference: Trans. Cambr. Philos. Soc. 6: 528 (1838)
Name status: Accepted
  • Cheilanthes fragrans (L.) Sw.
  • Cheilanthes pteridioides (Reichard) C.Chr.

Distribution: Az Co Cr Ga Gr Hs It Lu Sa Si
S. Europe

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