Seasonally dry tropical forests are highly threatened, but poorly studied non-Amazonian ecosystems. In Peru they are represented by formations in the northern coastal region, inter-Andean valleys and in one area east of the Andes (Tarapoto region). Protected areas of dry forest exist only in the coastal area and there are no conservation areas in the other, more severely threatened stands in inter-Andean and eastern Peru. Critically, little information is available on floristic composition, structure and ecology of Peruvian seasonally dry forests, which hampers raising their scientific and conservation profile.
The aim of this checklist is to provide a tool for biodiversity scientists and conservationists to facilitate accurate naming of species in the field and Peruvian herbaria.
Please use the links on the left to access important information and the checklist.
The present information was compiled by Reynaldo Linares-Palomino during a stay at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh financed by the Darwin Initiative (Project "Tree diversity and conservation priorities in Peruvian seasonally dry tropical forests") under the supervision and with the collaboration of R. T. Pennington and J. Ratter (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh), T. D. Pennington (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) and C. E. Hughes (University of Oxford).