Lepisorus contortus (Christ) Ching

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Lepisorus contortus (Christ) Ching, Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 4: 90. 1933; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Fl. Thailand 3: 513, f. 51.3. 1989; Boonkerd & Pollawatn, Pterid. Thailand: 273. 2000. – Polypodium lineare var. contortum Christ, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Soc. Ital. N.S. 4: 98, pl. 1, f. 3. 1897. – Polypodium contortum Christ, Bot. Gaz. 51: 347. 1911. – Pleopeltis contorta (Christ) Alston & Bonner, Candollea 15: 209. 1956; Tagawa & K.Iwats., SouthE. Asian Stud. 5: 49. 1967.


Rhizome creeping, about 2.5 mm diam., bearing fronds less than 0.5 cm apart, densely scaly throughout; scales dark brown, slightly clathrate, minutely toothed at margin, oblong-subdeltoid, gradually narrowing towards attenuate apex, up to 2 by 0.7 mm. Stipes very short, indistinct. Laminae linear, attenuate towards both ends, in mature large laminae about 15 cm by 0.7 cm, the margin more or less recurved; coriaceous; veins hardly visible, copiously anastomosing. Sori round, medial, oblong. Spores monolete .

Distribution in Thailand

NORTHERN: Chiang Mai.

Wider Distribution

Himalayas, Tibet and China.


On mossy tree trunks in dense mountain forests at high altitudes.

Similar species

Lepisorus heterolepis (Rosenst.) Ching, Lepisorus subconfluens Ching.

Proposed IUCN Conservation Assessment

Least Concern (LC). This species is widespread and not under any known threat.


Further taxonomic work is necessary to distinguish Lepisorus contortus (Christ) Ching, Lepisorus heterolepis (Rosenst.) Ching and Lepisorus subconfluens Ching.

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Site hosted by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Content managed by Stuart Lindsay, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore and David Middleton, Singapore Botanic Gardens. Last updated 24 January 2012