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Lindsaea bouillodii ChristWarning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in C:\Data\serverroots\htdocs\ThaiFerns\factsheets\functions.php on line 17 FamilyLindsaeaceae NomenclatureLindsaea bouillodii Christ, Not. Syst. (Paris) 1: 59. 1909; Kramer, Fl. Males., Ser. II, Pterid. 1: 204, f. 21. 1971; Kramer, Gard. Bull. Singapore 26: 28. 1972; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Fl. Thailand 3: 135, f. 10.2. 1985; Boonkerd & Pollawatn, Pterid. Thailand: 90. 2000. – Type: Bouillod 48, Cambodia, Kampot, Kamchay (P). Lindsaea tenera auct. non Dryand.: Tardieu & C.Chr., Fl. Indo-Chine 7(2): 126. 1939. – Lindsaea orbiculata var. tenera auct. non (Dryand.) Bedd.: Bedd., Handb. Ferns Brit. India: 75. 1883. – Schizoloma tenerum auct. non (Dryand.) Holttum: Holttum, Rev. Fl. Malaya ed. 1, 2: 348, f. 201. 1955 [‘1954’]. Lindsaea cambodgensis auct. non Christ: Kramer, Blumea 15: 563. 1968; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 54. 1968. DescriptionAdapted from Kramer, Fl. Males., Ser. II, Pterid. 1: 222. 1971. Rhizome short creeping; scales small, linear, reddish-brown, shiny. Stipe 8–40 cm long, castaneous, glabrous to microscopically and sparsely pubescent. Laminae bipinnate, rarely with the basal pinnule again forked to appear tripinnate, 12–30 cm long, with 7–10 pairs of pinnate pinnae with pinnate apex getting progressively smaller; pinnules of pinnate pinnae as well as upper simple pinnae narrowly cuneate, forming angles of 30–45°, lower edge never dimidiate, straight, or very slightly roundly curved outwards; the margin of lobes less interrupted and sori more continuous, with up to three breaks in each pinnule; lateral pinnae of lower pinnate pinnae becoming smaller towards distal portion and apical pinnules being not so distinct, upper simple pinnae not much larger than lateral pinnules of lower pinnate pinnae . Distribution in ThailandPENINSULAR: Ranong, Surat Thani, Krabi, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Trang, Yala. Distribution in CambodiaKampot Wider DistributionIndochina, Hainan, and Malesia. EcologyTerrestrial or on rocks in evergreen forests at low to medium altitudes (500–1100 m). Proposed IUCN Conservation AssessmentLeast Concern (LC). This species is widespread and not under any known threat. Voucher specimens - ThailandIwatsuki et al. T-14505, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Khao Luang (P); Van Beusekom & Phengkhlai 789, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Khao Luang (P). Voucher specimens - CambodiaBouillod 48, Kampot, Kamchay (P); Pierre 5767, Kampot (P). Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in C:\Data\serverroots\htdocs\ThaiFerns\factsheets\functions.php on line 17 |
Site hosted by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Content managed by Stuart Lindsay, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore and David Middleton, Singapore Botanic Gardens. Last updated 24 January 2012 |