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Pyrrosia lanceolata (L.) Farw.FamilyPolypodiaceae NomenclaturePyrrosia lanceolata (L.) Farw., Amer. Midl. Natur. 12: 245. 1931; Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 70. 1935; Tardieu & C.Chr., Fl. Indo-Chine 7(2): 515. 1941; Tagawa, J. Jap. Bot. 38: 326. 1963; Hovenkamp, Leiden Bot. Ser. 9: 191, f. 25. 1986; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Fl. Thailand 3: 500. 1989; Hovenkamp, Fl. Males., Ser. II, Ferns and Fern Allies 3: 161. 1998; Boonkerd & Pollawatn, Pterid. Thailand: 286. 2000. – Acrostichum lanceolatum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1067. 1753. – Type: Herb. Hermann (BM. L), Ceylon. Polypodium adnascens Sw., Syn. Fil.: 25, 222, pl. 2, f. 2. 1806. – Cyclophorus adnascens (Sw.) Desv., Berl. Mag. 5: 300. 1811; Ross., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 28(2): 364. 1911; C.Chr., Bot. Tidsskr. 32: 348. 1916; E.Smith, J. Siam Soc. Nat. Hist. Suppl. 8: 7. 1929. – Niphobolus adnascens (Sw.) Kaulf., Enum.: 124. 1824; Bedd., Handb. Ferns Brit. India: 325, f. 176. 1883; Christ, Bot. Tidsskr. 24: 105. 1901. – Pyrrosia adnascens (Sw.) Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 45. 1935; Tardieu & C.Chr., Fl. Indo-Chine 7(2): 505. 1941; Holttum, Rev. Fl. Malaya ed. 1, 2: 144, f. 60. 1955 [‘1954’]; Holttum, Dansk Bot. Ark. 20: 18. 1961; Holttum, Dansk Bot. Ark 23: 20. 1965; Seidenf., Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 19: 86. 1959; Tagawa & K.Iwats., SouthE. Asian Stud. 3(3): 75. 1965; Tagawa & K.Iwats., SouthE. Asian Stud. 5: 47. 1967; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Fl. Thailand 3: 496. 1989; Boonkerd & Pollawatn, Pterid. Thailand: 258, 284. 2000; Newman et al., Checkl. Vasc. Pl. Lao PDR: 30. 2007. Polypodium spissum Bory ex Willd., Sp. Pl. 5: 146. 1810. – Cyclophorus spissus (Bory ex Willd.) Desv., Berl. Mag. 5: 301. 1811; Seidenf., Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 19: 86. 1958. Niphobolus varius Kaulf., Enum. Fil: 125. 1824. – Pyrrosia varia (Kaulf.) Farw, Amer. Midl. Nat. 12: 302. 1931; Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1:70. 1935; Holttum, Rev. Fl. Malaya ed. 1, 2: 146, f. 61. 1955 [‘1954’]; Tagawa & K.Iwats., SouthE. Asian Stud. 3(3): 75. 1965; Tagawa & K.Iwats., SouthE. Asian Stud. 5: 48. 1967; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 52. 1968; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Fl. Thailand 3: 499. 1989; Boonkerd & Pollawatn, Pterid. Thailand: 289. 2000. Niphobolus nudus Giesenh., Nipholobus: 149. 1901. – Pyrrosia nuda (Giesenh.) Ching, Bull. Chin. Bot. Soc. 1: 70. 1935; Tardieu & C.Chr., Fl. Indo-Chine 7(2): 514. 1941; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 110. 1968; Tagawa & K.Iwats., Fl. Thailand 3: 499, f. 50.3. 1989; Boonkerd & Pollawatn, Pterid. Thailand: 287. 2000; Newman et al., Checkl. Vasc. Pl. Lao PDR: 30. 2007. DescriptionRhizome long creeping, about 1–2 mm diam., bearing fronds 1–5 cm apart, dark brown, densely scaly throughout; scales oblong-subdeltoid to lanceolate, gradually narrowing towards apex, 1–8 by 0.5–1.2 mm, brown in central portion, paler towards margin, hairy at margin, appressed to spreading, imbricate. Fronds simple. Stipes 0–4(–9) cm long, scaly at base, sparsely to densely stellate hairy. Fronds slightly to distinctly dimorphic, when dimorphic fertile fronds longer. Laminae linear-lanceolate, gradually narrowing towards both apex and base, widest below, around or above the middle, 3.5–20(–31) by 0.5–2.5 cm, base attenuate to cuneate, apex rounded, obtuse or acute; midrib distinct on both surfaces, grooved on upper surface, veins visible or not, anastomosing, with free included veinlets; coriaceous, thick, both surfaces sparsely to densely covered with stellate hairs or becoming glabrescent above. Sporangia covering the whole lower surface of apical half, becoming narrow in soriferous portion; sori round, covered with dense stellate hairs when young, hairs monomorphic . Distribution in ThailandNORTHERN: Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Tak, Phitsanulok; NORTH-EASTERN: Loei, Nong Khai, Mukdahan, Khon Kaen; EASTERN: Nakhon Ratchasima, Chaiyaphum, Buri Ram, Ubon Ratchathani; SOUTH-WESTERN: Kanchanaburi, Phetchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan; CENTRAL: Saraburi, Nakhon Nayok; SOUTH-EASTERN: Chon Buri, Chanthaburi, Trat; PENINSULAR: Ranong, Surat Thani, Phangnga, Phuket, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phatthalung,Trang, Satun, Songkhla, Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat. Distribution in LaosChampasak, Khammouane, Xieng Khouang, [Lao-phu-tai]. Distribution in CambodiaRatanakiri. Wider DistributionHimalayas to Burma, S China (Yunnan), Taiwan and the Ryukyus, Indochina, S India and Sri Lanka, throughout Malesia to Polynesia. EcologyEpiphytic on tree trunks at low to medium altitudes. Proposed IUCN Conservation AssessmentLeast Concern (LC). This species is common and widespread and not under any known threat. Voucher specimens - ThailandMiddleton et al. 5185, Ubon Ratchathani, Phu Chong Nayoi National Park (E); Middleton et al. 4386, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Khao Luang National Park (E); Middleton et al. 4451, Krabi, Ko Phi Phi National Park, Nopparat Thara Beach (E); Middleton et al. 5362, Satun, Thale Ban National Park (E). Voucher specimens - CambodiaDavid et al. CL755, Ratanakiri, Yak Loan Lake (P). Habit Habit Habit Habit Whole plant Rhizome and stipe Stipe and stellate hairs Frond Frond apex Sori Sori |
Site hosted by the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Content managed by Stuart Lindsay, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore and David Middleton, Singapore Botanic Gardens. Last updated 24 January 2012 |