Robert Wight
A catalogue of Edinburgh type specimens associated with Wight drawings
Details for the specimen with barcode E00179161
Habenaria travancorica Hook. f.
Family: Orchidaceae
Original name: Habenaria lindleyana Wight
Place of publication: Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 3(2): 11, t. 922, 1844-5
Type status: ?isotype
RBGE Barcode No.(s): E00179161
Wight year No.: [1837].3064
Collecting locality: Pulney Mountains
Collecting date: Sep 1836
Collector: [Wight]
RBGE collection name: ?Glasgow, 1903
Notes: H. lindleyana is an illegit homonym, non Steud., 1840; this is also the type of Hooker's H. travancorica