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Angelica L.
Mark F. Watson
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Aromatic perennials usually tall and robust, but sometimes scrambling. Leaves 1–3-pinnate or -ternate, ultimate segments usually large and distant; petiole greatly to moderately winged at base . Umbels compound, rays and pedicels 10 to numerous; bracts few or none; bracteoles several, linear. Calyx teeth minute or obsolete. Petals obovate, emarginate. Stylopodium flat-domed, flanged at the margin (especially in young fruit). Fruit broadly ellipsoid to orbicular and notched at both ends, greatly dorsally compressed with lateral ribs broadly winged, mericarps with dark vittae lines between the five dorsal ribs.
Key to species
1 Rather weak-stemmed almost glabrous plant, usually scrambling; umbels with slender rays 2–5.5cm long A. sikkimensis
+ Large, sturdy erect plants, at least inflorescence branches pubescent; umbels with stout rays up to 15cm 2
2 Leaflets with distinct petiolule, glabrous below, petiole wings of upper leaves not greatly enlarged A. nubigena
+ Leaflets usually decurrent into the leaf rachis, densely puberulent on the veins below, petiole wings of upper leaves greatly enlarged often 6–11cm broad A. cyclocarpa

Angelica sikkimensis (C.B.Clarke) P.K.Mukherjee
    Peucedanum sikkimense C.B.Clarke
Slender branched, glabrous diffuse herb, stems weakly erect or scrambling to 1–2m, plant often tinged purple. Leaves ovate in outline, distantly 2-pinnate, 18–40 x 8–25cm; ultimate segments ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, 6–30(–50) x 3–8(–12)mm, petiolulate, base cuneate, margins coarsely serrate; petiole only narrowly winged at base. Umbels very diffusely branched with 6–11(–16) spreading rays, to 15cm across; rays very slender, 2–5.5cm; bracts absent or 1–2, small and like the upper leaves; umbellules 1–1.5cm across, 7–13-flowered; bracteoles absent or 1–2, linear-lanceolate 2–6mm; pedicels filiform, unequal, 3–8mm, elongating to 14mm in fruit. Calyx teeth minute triangular, c 0.2mm. Petals white–purplish or dull yellow, 0.5–1mm. Fruit ellipsoid 6–7.5 x 5–6mm, broadly (1.5–2mm) winged along both margins, dorsal ridges scarcely prominent, centre dark brown, wings and ridges paler. 

Bhutan: S—Deothang district (Deothang to Wamrong); C—Ha district (Damthang) and Thimphu district (Chapcha to Confluence, Dechhenphu, Dolena, Paga, Paro, Thimphu)
Sikkim: Kalej Khola, Lagyap, Lingdam, Rishi, Tsomgo. 

Ecology: Coniferous and mixed deciduous forests, open hillsides, 1200–3300m. Flowers July–August(–September).

Illustration [Fig. 52 f,g]

Specimen List [758]

Note: Apparently endemic to Sikkim and Bhutan. 

Angelica nubigena (C.B.Clarke) P.K.Mukherjee
    Heracleum nubigenum C.B.Clarke.
Plants with glabrous stout stems to 1–2m high, thick rhizome long and tapering. Leaves broadly ovate in outline, 3-pinnate, lower leaves c 40 x 35cm; leaflets ovate 2.5–7.5 x 1.4–4cm often ternately lobed, margins serrate, lamina sparsely puberulent above especially on the main veins, glabrous or almost so below, petiolulate; petioles winged but not greatly so. Primary umbels large, 17–32cm across, 30–50-rayed, overtopped by lateral umbels later in the season; peduncles increasing in pubescence towards the flower head; rays stout, 5–15cm, densely pubescent; umbellules 15–30-flowered; pedicels 5–15mm, densely pubescent; bracteoles 4–10, linear 5–12mm. Calyx teeth obsolete. Flowers pale yellow-green. Fruit orbicular 5–8 x 5.5–7mm, notched at both ends, dorsal ridges broad almost obscuring the dark vittae lines. 

Sikkim: Cho La and Yak La. 3000–4200m. Flowers August?. 

Specimen List [416]

Note: The specific limits between this and the following species is unsatisfactory and need further study across the whole Sino-Himalayan region. 

Angelica cyclocarpa (C.Norman) Cannon
    Archangelica cyclocarpa C.Norman.
Similar to A. nubigena, but rather larger to 3.5m and with conspicuous enlarged petiole wings of the upper leaves. Lower leaves to 1m; ultimate segments ovate-lanceolate or ternately-lobed, 4–15 x 2–6cm, base narrowed and often decurrent on rachis, margin coarsely serrate, lamina sparsely pubescent above, densely so on the veins below, rachis sparsely pubescent denser around the nodes; petioles of upper leaves with very wide, pale wings (3–)6–11cm broad. Fruit 5.5–7 x 5.5–6.5mm, dorsal ridges broad almost obscuring the dark vittae lines. 

Bhutan: C—Thimphu district (Doche La)
Chumbi: Chumbi.
Sikkim: Lachen, Tenehungkar, Yumthang 

Ecology: Mixed forests and amongst shrubs in open areas, 2800–4000m. July–September.

Specimen List [540]

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