Glabrous annuals or short-lived perennial herbs. Lower leaves pinnate, leaflets large, broadly ternately lobed; upper leaves small, ternate with narrowly obovate segments; petioles with membranous wings at base, particularly evident in upper stem leaves. Umbels compound, subsessile and often leaf-opposed, numerous in the top half of the stem; bracts and bracteoles absent. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white, obovate, acute with inflexed tip. Stylopodium subconical, styles short. Fruit ovoid to ellipsoid, mericarps prominently 3-ribbed. Apium graveolens L. Vernacular Name: Celery (English) Erect to sprawling aromatic herb (smelling of celery when crushed), 3080cm high. Lower leaves to 16 x 4cm, leaflets 1.22.5 x 0.82.5cm; upper leaves 0.81.6cm long. Umbels 15-rayed, rays 0.82cm long; umbellules 1016-flowered, c 0.8mm across. Petals 0.7mm. Fruit c 1.3 x 1mm. Bhutan: CThimphu district (Gidakom). Ecology: Wet ground, ditches, 2200-2800m. Flowers June. Specimen List [1092] Note: Introduced as a vegetable crop. |