Glabrous biennials or short lived perennial herbs, with fusiform tuberous tap-roots. Leaves 2–3-pinnatisect, ultimate segments of lower leaves linear-lanceolate, of upper leaves linear-filiform; bases of petioles expanded, papery, and sheathing the stem. Umbels compound, rather erect; bracts similar to the upper stem leaves; bracteoles linear, few or absent. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals obovate with an incurved acuminate tip. Stylopodium domed. Fruit oblong-ellipsoid, slightly compressed laterally, glabrous, mericarps somewhat prominently 5-ribbed. Carum carvi L. Vernacular Names: Gonoid, Go-Shyod, Gonoet (Medicinal names), Caraway (English) Stems erect or shortly decumbent, 15–45(–60)cm high. Leaves 4–18 x 1–2.5(–5)cm; ultimate segments of lower leaves c 4 x 0.75mm, of upper leaves c 8 x 0.2mm. Umbels(3–)6–10-rayed; rays and pedicels characteristically unequal, lengthening in fruit up to 4 and 9cm respectively. Petals white or purplish-pink, with a brown midrib on the reverse. Fruit 3–4 x 1–2mm. Bhutan: N—Upper Mo Chu district
(Chebesa, Gangyul, Laya to Gasa-Dzong) and Upper Kulong Chu district (Shingbe);
C—Ha district (Ha) and Thimphu district (Barshong, Dodema).
Ecology: Open areas, often around habitation, rough pasture, river banks, roadsides, etc., 2500–4150m. Flowers June–August. Specimen List [3007] Note: A common plant, possibly native from Bhutan to W China. |