Annual or perennial herbs. Bhutanese species have leaves 2–5-pinnate and petioles broadly sheathing at base. Umbels compound; bracts absent; bracteoles present. Flowers hermaphrodite or male. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals obovate, entire or bilobed. Stylopodium conical. Fruit narrowly oblong, tapering upward, slightly laterally compressed, subterete; vittae usually conspicuous. Chaerophyllum villosum Wall. ex DC. Flaccid branched annual, 30–100cm or more tall; stems sparsely villous with spreading or reflexed hairs, often spotted. Leaves basal and cauline, blade triangular in outline, attenuate at apex, 2–5-pinnate, up to 35 x 30cm (including petiole), villous beneath; ultimate segments ovate, deeply pinnatifid, up to 12 x 8mm; terminal segment attenuate at apex. Umbels leaf opposed on peduncles 2–7cm long, 2–5-rayed; rays 0.8–4cm; umbellules 5–6mm across, often few-flowered, some male; bracteoles few, 3–5 x 0.5mm, becoming reflexed; pedicels unequal, 0–5mm. Petals white flushed pink, elliptic, entire, 0.8–1mm. Styles minute. Fruit (1–)3–7(–10) per umbellule, 5–8 x 1–2mm, primary ridges pale, glabrous. Bhutan: S—Chukka district
(Chima Kothi to Bunakha) and Deothang district (Wamrung); C—Thimphu
district (Dochu La, Dodena) and Bumthang district (Bumthang); N—Upper
Kulong Chu district (Lao).
Ecology: Moist banks in shady
forest and rough grassland. 1830-3200m.
Illustration [Fig. 48: k,l] Specimen List [15128] Note: Literature records of the superficially similar C. reflexum Lindley in Sikkim and Bhutan refer to this species. Chaerophyllum reflexum is a West Himalayan plant that differs in its bilobed petals and long fruiting styles. |