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Glabrous biennial or perennial herbs, base often surrounded by papery leaf remains. Leaves pinnate; pinnae suborbicular to elliptic, shallowly lobed or crenate. Umbels compound; bracts leaf-like; umbellules small, rays unequal; bracteoles in Bhutanese species leaf-like or linear. Calyx teeth minute triangular or obsolete. Petals obovate, incurved at apex. Stylopodium a flattened dome, dark purple, forming a characteristic thickened rim with the top of the ovary/fruit, rim wider than the ovary and young fruit, and about as wide as the mature fruit. Fruit oblong-ovoid, laterally compressed, mericarps sub-terete, characteristically 10-ribbed, ribs green, furrows brown. Key to species
Chamaesium novem-jugum (C.B.Clarke) C.Norman
Bhutan: CThimphu district
(Nya Tsho, Phajoding, Paga La to Lawgu); NUpper Mo Chu district
(Chomp Lhari, Guile La, Laya, Pya La) and Upper Pho Chu district (Chojo
World Distribution: E Himalaya to SW China. Ecology: Moist or wet, semi-open
habitats, rocky areas, moorland, Rhododendron scrub. 30504900m.
Illustration [Fig. 50 a-c] Specimen List [3576]
Chamaesium viridiflorum (A.R.Franchet) R.H.Shan
Trachydium affine W.W.Smith. Sikkim: Ningbil (Chola Range). World Distribution: E Himalaya to SW China Ecology: 41104265m.
Specimen List [3578] ![]() |