Bhutanese species are essentially glabrous erect biennials or perennials; rootstock a short woody tap-root; stems solitary, unbranched (excepting the lateral umbel), purplish, base clothed in papery leaf remains. Leaves distantly 12-pinnate or -pinnately lobed, almost entirely basal, the 12 stem leaves reduced, the uppermost almost to a sheathing petiole; leaflets lanceolate-ovate, margin regularly serrate and/or incised; petioles long and slender, abruptly and broadly sheathing at base. Umbels 12, compound, the solitary main terminal umbel usually subtended by a much smaller lateral with long slender peduncle; bracts linear-subulate, sometimes with a larger subtending leaf/leaf-like bract; bracteoles subulate. Calyx teeth minute, ovate-triangular, persistent in fruit. Petals dark purple, obovate, subequal. Stylopodium dark purple, domed; styles short often reflexed in fruit. Fruit oblong-ellipsoid, dorsal and lateral ribs equally winged, wings somewhat corky; vittae small, one per furrow and 2 on the commissure. Cnidium bhutanicum M.F.Watson
Bhutan: CHa district (Sage La to Ha) and Thimphu district (Gida Valley, Phajoding Monastery, Tataka Gompa to Tataka La). Ecology: Scrubland, rough hill pasture and open fir (Abies) woodland, 33003800m. Flowers AugustSeptember. Specimen List [15545] Note: Apparently endemic to W Bhutan. |