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Coriandrum L.
Mark F. Watson
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Glabrous foetid annual herbs. Mature leaves very finely divided 2–3-pinnatisect; juvenile leaves smaller and more broadly lobed. Umbels compound; bracts and bracteoles few or sometimes absent, linear. Calyx teeth often unequal, persistent in fruit. Petals obovate unequal in outer flowers of the umbellule, with larger petals on the outside. Stylopodium conical. Fruit globose to ellipsoid; dorsal ribs somewhat prominent, lateral ones obscure.
Coriandrum sativum L.

Vernacular Names: Coriander (English); Daniya (Hindi); U-Su (Bhutanese medicinal name) 

Stems erect, 18–60cm high. Lower leaves entire to ternate to pinnately lobed, 2.5–5 x 0.8–2cm; lobes oblong, up to 10–15 x 2–6mm; upper leaves pinnatisect into fine linear segments, 4–5 x 4–5cm, ultimate segments up to 15 x 1mm. Umbels 3–5-rayed, 2.5–5cm across in flower; bracts 1, ca. 7 x 0.4cm; rays 0.8–2.5cm; bracteoles 1–4, c 3 x 0.4mm; pedicels short. Outer flowers with calyx teeth oblong up to 1mm, and petals white or pinkish up to 4mm, deeply bilobed; inner flowers often male, with calyx teeth reduced to minute points, and petals c 1mm. Styles filiform, erect to spreading, c 2mm long. Fruits c 5 x 4mm. 

Bhutan: S— Phuntsholing district (Phuntscholing); C—Tongsa district (Tongsa). 

Ecology: Cultivated as a culinary herb (leaves) and spice (fruit), and sometimes escapes. 200–2350m. Flowers February–May. 

Specimen List [4127]

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