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Cuminum L.
Mark F. Watson
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Slender annuals, glabrous excepting the fruit. Leaves 2–3-pinnatisect; ultimate segments filiform; petiole bases with narrow membranous wings. Umbels compound; bracts and bracteoles 3-lobed at apex, segments similar to leaves but more cartilaginous and stiff. Calyx teeth unequal, subulate, persistent in fruit. Petals oblong, emarginate, subequal. Stylopodium conical, attenuate into short styles. Fruit ellipsoid subterete, finely pubescent; distinctly 5-ribbed.
Cuminum cyminum L.

Vernacular Name: Cumin (English) 

Stems erect, 15–30cm high. Leaves 4–6cm long; ultimate segments 3–6 x 0.05cm. Umbels 3–6 rayed, c 2cm across; bracts c 2cm long; rays conspicuously unequal; umbellules c 6-flowered; bracteoles subulate, 7–10mm long. Calyx teeth to 2mm. Petals white or pink, c 1mm. Fruit ellipsoid, c 6 x 2mm, sparsely pubescent; ribs pale. 

Bhutan: S—Phuntsholing district (Torsa River). 

Ecology: Disturbed areas, damp shingle. 200m.
Flowers February. 

Specimen List [4274]

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