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Foeniculum Miller
Mark F. Watson
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Erect aromatic (anise-scented) perennial herbs. Leaves 2–4 x pinnately divided, ultimate segments linear, elongated; petiole broadly sheathing at base. Umbels compound, bracts and bracteoles absent. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals yellow, ovate, inflexed at apex. Fruit ovoid-oblong to oblong, mericarps rounded dorsally, ribs prominent, almost equal, furrows between them dark, inner face of mericarps flat or concave. 
Foeniculum vulgare Miller

Vernacular Name: Fennel (English). 

Stems up to 2m (or more), glaucous, clump-forming. Leaves up to 15cm, triangular-ovate in outline; ultimate segments 5–60 x 0.5mm; petiole 7–14cm. Umbels 15–40-rayed; rays 1–7cm, unequal; umbellules c 1.5cm across, 12–25-flowered; pedicels 2–10mm when mature. Petals 1.5–2 x 1.25mm. Fruit 4–10.5 x 1.5–2.5mm. 

Bhutan: C—Tashigang district (Jhorsingang, 117). 

Ecology: Weedy situations. Flowers December–February. 

Specimen List [6329]

Note: Probably escaped from cultivation: leaves are eaten as a vegetable and the fruits are used as a spice. 

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