Stout erect perennials. Leaves 2-pinnate; leaflets pinnatisect; ultimate segments ovate, pinnatified; petioles sheathing at base (broadly so in upper leaves). Umbels densely crowded into a compact-globose head, at first appearing simple, later more obviously compound; bracts absent. Calyx teeth inconspicuous. Petals ovate, inflexed. Fruit broadly obovoid, smooth, mericarps 5-angled in cross-section, ribs conspicuous. Haplosphaera himalayensis Ludlow Plants up to 120cm, stem to 1.5cm thick, surrounded by leaf remains at the base; rootstock cylindrical, ca 5 x 11.5cm. Leaves ovate-triangular in outline, 1215 x 1315 cm; ultimate segments acute-dentate, mucronate; petioles 1015cm. Umbels 1.52.5cm across; umbellules 518-flowered; pedicels 23mm, stout; bracteoles 48, linear-lanceolate c 6mm. Petals dark brown, acute, 1.5 x 11.25mm. Filaments greenish-white, anthers dull green. Fruit c 3 x 1.5mm, olive green. Bhutan: NUpper Kulong Chu district (Me La). Ecology: On open hillside, 3900m. Flowers August. Specimen List [6559] |