Slender to robust, largely glabrous perennial herbs, roots tuberous or rhizomatous. Leaves biternate or pinnately divided; upper cauline leaves often with narrower segments than those below, glabrous or only the veins above or margins with hairs, often paler below; base of petiole narrowly sheathing the stem. Umbels compound, bracts and bracteoles absent or few, linear or lanceolate, often falling early; umbellules small. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals ovate to lanceolate with a characteristic acute to acuminate or filiform apex. Stylopodium usually flattened or domed; styles erect to spreading. Fruit narrowly ovoid or sub-globbose and abruptly narrowed at apex, mericarps thinly 5-ribbed. Note: A critical genus
of the Sino-Himalayan region, with several erroneous records based on misidentifications;
literature records for A. handellii H.Wolff, A. muscicolum
(Handel-Mazzetti) Handel-Mazzetti and A. paniculatum (Franchet)
H.Wolff have not been substantiated. For blunter-petaled specimens compare
with Sinocarum, which is often characterised
by expanded petiole sheaths, a stouter rhizome and somewhat irregular flowers.
Key to species
Acronema bellum (C.B.Clarke) P.K.Mukherjee
Bhutan: C—Thimphu district (Daga La, Hongstu, Talukah
La to Ginnekah, Thimphu); N—Upper Mo Chu district (Gangyuel).
Ecology: Among rocks and in turf, stream and pathsides in fir or broad-leaf forests and Rhododendron scrub, 3,000–4,400m. Flowers July–September(–October). Specimen List [64]
Acronema nervosum H.Wolff Small plants with a slender stem from a small rhizome; stems 12–30cm, erect, unbranched, the underground part very thin and easily detached from the rhizome; rhizome globbose to oblong, 5–25 x 3–7mm. Leaves few, 1–2 basal and 1–2 cauline, ternate or pinnate, to 16 x 3cm (including the petiole); leaflets of basal leaves 0.5–2.5 x 0.4–1.7cm, ovate-elliptic, ternately lobed, sometimes deeply so, margin often serrately toothed in upper half; margins, midribs and secondary veins scaberulous above otherwise glabrous; upper leaves with narrower and more deeply cut segments; sheathing base of upper leaves very narrow, 1–2mm broad, almost absent in lower leaves. Primary umbel solitary and terminal, usually with just 1 smaller lateral secondary umbel close below; umbels 9–15mm across, 3–5-rayed; rays 3–6mm, elongating in fruit, slender and glabrous; bracts absent; umbellules 2–3mm across, 3–7-flowered; pedicels 2–3mm long, glabrous; bracteoles 2–3, linear, 1–2mm. Petals white to purple, 1.5–2 x 0.7–1mm, elliptic-ovate with a long acuminate apex, abruptly clawed at base, apex sometimes minutely pappilose. Stylopodium cream to dark purple, flattened; styles erect. Fruit ovoid-globbose, c 2 x 1.8mm. Bhutan: C—Bumthang district (Dhur Chu); N—Upper
Kulong Chu district (Me La).
Ecology: Open turf and amongst moss on rocks in fir forests, 3000–3700m. July–August Specimen List [77] Note: Endemic to the East Himalaya.
Acronema hookeri (C.B.Clarke) H.Wolff
Bhutan: C—Thimphu district (Changri, Dotena, Talukah
La) and Bumthang district (Bumthang); N—Upper Kuru Chu district
Ecology: On the ground in spruce, mixed broad-leaf and Rhododendron forest, 2150–3650m. Flowers July–August. Specimen List [15148] Note: Records from the area of the closely related A. paniculatum (Franchet) H.Wolff have proved to be referrable to this species. Acronema hookeri (C.B.Clarke) H.Wolff
graminifolium (W.W.Smith) H.Wolff
Acronema graminifolium (W.W.Smith) S.L.Liou & R.H.Shan. Bhutan: C—Thimphu district (Barshong to Dolam Kencho,
Talukah La).
Ecology: Habitats as above, 2700–3600m. Flowers July–August. Specimen List [15147] Note: This narrow-leaved variety has been reported by several botanists to grow inter-mixed with the typical form. Acronema sichuanense S.L.Liou & R.H.Shan A small high altitude herb 1.5–5cm high, from a small ovoid tuber to 5mm thick. Leaves bi-ternate or ternate; leaflets ovate-elliptic, to 10 x 5mm, ternately incised or divided, glabrous; segments elliptic to narrowly so, linear in upper leaves, apex acute; sheathing petiole base rather broad to 3mm wide. Umbels mainly solitary and terminal, 3–6-rayed; rays 1–2cm, glabrous; bracts absent; umbelules 4–10-flowered; bracteoles 2–4, linear, 0.5–2mm; pedicels 1–4mm unequal, minutely scaberulous. Petals dark purple, linear subulate, 1–2 x 0.2mm. Stylopodium dark purple, flattened; styles spreading to recurved. Fruits globbose, c 1.5 x 1.5mm. Bhutan: N—Upper Mo Chu district (Laya).
Ecology: Alpine turf, 3900–4900m. Flowers August–September. Specimen List [98] Note: The above description refers to Bhutanese specimens which are smaller than the Chinese. Chinese material is more typically taller, 15–30cm high, with respectively larger leaves.
Acronema tenerum (DC.) Edgeworth
Pimpinella tenera (DC.) C.B.Clarke Pimpinella tenera var. dissecta C.B.Clarke. Bhutan: C—Thimphu district (Darkey Pang Tso, Taluka
La) and Bumthang district (Rudo La).
Ecology: Often epiphytic in moss and leaf mould in fir forest, 3050-3800m. Flowers July–August. Specimen List [88] Note: Sometimes misidentified as A. muscicolum (Hand.-Mazz.) Hand.-Mazz.
Acronema pseudotenerum P.K.Mukherjee Very slender-stemmed herb; stems unbranched, erect to 15cm high from a matted network of slender rhizomes; rhizomes to 30 x 2mm. Leaves basal and 1–3 cauline, pinnate with 5 leaflets or ternate; leaflets deeply ternately lobed to ternate; segments obovate to linear-lanceolate (uppermost leaves the linear-subulate), 2–5 x 0.5–4mm, glabrous, wider leaflets toothed or lobed in the upper half; sheathing bases rather conspicuous, 2.5–4mm broad to 10mm long in the upper leaves. Primary umbel solitary and terminal, usually with just 1 smaller lateral secondary umbel close below; umbels to 3cm across, 4–6-rayed; rays 7–15mm, elongating in fruit, slender and glabrous; bracts absent; umbellules c 1cm across, 6–9-flowered; pedicels 2–3.5mm long, glabrous or minutely papillate; bracteoles 0–3, linear, to 3mm. Petals white or suffused purple, narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 1.3–2.7 x 0.5mm, with an acuminate apex, clawed at base. Stylopodium purplish, flattened; styles erect to spreading. Fruit ovoid-globbose, c 1 x 1mm. Sikkim: Momay Samdong [Mukherjee,P.K. and Constance,L., 1993. Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) of India. New Dehli]. Ecology: Moss-covered boulders and logs in fir and rhododendron forest, 4200–5000m. Flowers June–August Specimen List [97] |