Information on Umbellifer Accounts in Floras

bullet Umbellifer coverage in modern (post 1940) Floras of the World bullet
  bullet Online Floristic Resources bullet

News and progress reports of new and ongoing floristic research

bullet Flora of The Arabian Penninsula (including Socotra), Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK
bullet Flora of Australia, Univeristy of Sydney, Australia
bullet Flora of Bhutan, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK
bullet Flora of China, Royal Botanic Garden Edinbugh, UK (co-ordinating centre)
bullet Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea, Uppsala Univeristy, Sweden
bullet European Garden Flora, Royal Botanic Garden Edinbugh, UK (co-ordinating centre)
bullet Flora Iberica, Madrid, Spain
bullet Checklist of Vascular Plants of Northern Morocco, Univeristy of Reading, UK
bullet Flora Neotropica, University of California at Berkeley & Univeristy of Georgia, USA
bullet Flora of North America, Missouri Botanical Garden, USA (co-ordinating centre)
bullet Flora of Somalia, Uppsala Univeristy, Sweden

Additional floristic projects can be included by sending the details to Mark Watson. Please follow one of the entries (e.g. Flora of Bhutan)for layout.