Prof. Dr. David G. Mann
work address: Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH3 5LR, Scotland, UK
Listed elsewhere.
- Brentwood School, Essex
- University of Bristol
- University Scholarship 1972-1974
- BSc (Botany) First Class Honours, University of Bristol 1974
- PhD, University of Bristol 1978
- DSc, University of Bristol 2006
- Edinburgh College of Art 1999-2006 (p/t)
- BA, Edinburgh College of Art 2006
- Currently Senior Principal Research Scientist (Individual Merit Promotion), since 1996
- Deputy Director (Deputy Keeper) and Head of Science, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (1990-96)
- Director of Studies, University of Edinburgh (1989-90)
- Lecturer, Botany Department, University of Edinburgh (1985-1990)
- Lecturer, Botany Department, University of Edinburgh (SERC Special Replacement Scheme) (1981-1985)
- University Demonstrator, University of Edinburgh (1978-1981)
Awards and honours
- Faculty, University of Maine, USA (2004–2009)
- Visiting Professor, University of Glasgow (January 1996, renewed 2000 and 2004)
Tyge Christensen Prize (best paper in Phycologia), award 2009
- G.W. Prescott Award (Phycological Society of America) for the outstanding scholarly work or monograph devoted to algae and published during 1995 and 1996 (for "Algae. Introduction to Phycology.” with Prof. C. van den Hoek & Prof. Hans-Martin Jahns)
- G.W. Prescott Award (Phycological Society of America) for the outstanding scholarly work or monograph devoted to algae and published during 1990 and 1991 (for "The Diatoms: Biology and Morphology of the Genera", with Prof. F.E. Round & Dr R.M. Crawford)
- Who’s Who in Scotland.
- 1st prize, Novartis–Daily Telegraph Visions of Science photographic competition 2003
- The Visual Arts Award, Scottish International Education Trust 2004
Editorial, secretarial responsibilities, etc.
- President, International Society for Diatom Research (2010–)
- Editor-in-Chief, European Journal of Phycology (2011–)
- Associate Editor, Phycologia (2003–)
- Editor-in-Chief, Phycologia (1999–2002)
- Editorial Board, Advances in Botanical Research (1998–2005)
- Editor Diatom Research (1986–1996)
- Subeditor, 10th International Diatom Symposium, Joensuu, Finland 1988.
- Editorial board, Journal of Phycology (1985–87)
- Editor, 7th International Diatom Symposium, Philadelphia 1982
- Coeditor, Botanical Society of Edinburgh Symposium on "Birch", held 1982
- General Secretary, Botanical Society of Edinburgh [now renamed Botanical Society of Scotland] (1979–82)
- Local Secretary, Botanical Society of Edinburgh (1982–1991)
- Council, International Society for Diatom Research (2004- )
- Council, British Phycological Society (1992–5 and 2007- )
- British Phycological Society Committee for the British Freshwater Algal Flora
- International Organizing Committee, 4th International Phycological Congress
- International Organizing Committee, 8th International Phycological Congress
- Peer review of grant applications to SERC, BBSRC, NERC, NSF, National Geographic Society, Hong Kong University Grants Committee, Leverhulme Trust, CNRS, etc.
- Papers reviewed for: Annals of Botany, Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Biodiversity and Conservation, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Botanica Marina, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, British Phycological Journal, Diatom Research, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, European Journal of Phycology, Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Helgoländer wissenschaftlicher Meeresuntersuchungen, Hydrobiologia, Iheringia, Journal of Applied Phycology,Journal of Phycology, Journal of Plankton Research, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine Ecology, Marine Micropaleontology, Molecular Ecology, New Phytologist, Nordic Journal of Botany, Nova Hedwigia, Nova Hedwigia Beihefte, Phycologia, Phycological Research, Planta, Plant Systematics and Evolution, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Preslia, Protist, Science, etc.