Publications on algae by Stephen Droop:

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Original papers

Mann, D.G., Bayer, M.M., Droop, S.J.M., Hicks, Y.A., Marshall, A.D., Martin, R.R. & Rosin, P.L. (2007). New methods for preparing, imaging and typifying desmids (Chlorophyta, Zygnematophyceae), including extended depth of focus and 3-D reconstruction. Phycologia 46: 29-45.

Mann, D.G., Droop, S.J.M., Hicks, Y.A., Marshall , A.D., Martin, R.R. & Rosin, P.L. (2006). Alleviating the taxonomic impediment in diatoms: prospects for automatic and web- based identification systems. Proceedings of the 18 th International Diatom Symposium (Ed. by A. Witkowski), pp. 265-285. Biopress, Bristol.

Hicks, Y., Marshall, D., Rosin, P.L., Martin, R.R., Mann, D.G. & Droop, S.J.M. (2006). A model of diatom shape and texture for analysis, synthesis and identification. Machine Vision and Applications 17: 297-307

Hicks, Y., Marshall, D., Martin, R.R., Rosin, P.L., Droop, S. & Mann, D.G. (2004). Building shape and texture models of diatoms for analysis and synthesis of drawings and identification. Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference 2004 (IMVIP 2004) (Ed. by K. Dawson-Howe, A.C. Kokaram and F.Shevlin), pp. 26–33. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Mann, D.G., McDonald, S.M., Bayer, M.M., Droop, S.J.M., Chepurnov, V.A., Loke, R.E., Ciobanu, A. & du Buf, J.M.H. (2004). Morphometric analysis, ultrastructure and mating data provide evidence for five new species of Sellaphora (Bacillariophyceae). Phycologia 43: 459-482.  (Click here for data and pictures.)

Bayer, M.M., Droop, S.J.M. & Mann, D.G. (2001). Digital microscopy in phycological research, with special reference to microalgae. Phycological Research 49: 263-274.

Droop, S.J.M., Mann, D.G. & Lokhorst, G.M. (2000). Spatial and temporal stability of demes in Diploneis smithii/D. fusca (Bacillariophyta) supports a narrow species concept. Phycologia 39: 527-546 (published 5 March 2001). (Click here for data and pictures.)

Wilkinson, M.H.F., Roerdink, J.B.T.M., Droop, S.J.M. & Bayer, M.M. (2000). Diatom contour analysis using morphological curvature scale spaces. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, 3-8 Sept. 2000, 656-659.

Mann, D.G., Chepurnov, V.A. & Droop, S.J.M. (1999). Sexuality, incompatibility, size variation, and preferential polyandry in natural populations and clones of Sellaphora pupula (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology 35: 152-170.

Du Buf, H., Bunke, H., Droop, S., Roerdink, J., Juggins, S., Cristobal, G. & Ludes, B. (1999). Automatic Diatom Identification and Classification (ADIAC). In: Barthel, K.-G. et al. Proceedings of the Third European Marine and Technology Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 23–27 May 1998, pp. 1071–1074. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (Symposium paper)

du Buf, H., Bayer, M.M., Droop, S.J.M. Head, R., Juggins, S., Fischer, S., Bunke, H., Wilkinson, M., Roerdink, J.T.B.M., Pech-Pacheco, J.-L., Cristobal, G., Shahbazkia, H. & Ciobanu, A. (1999). Diatom Identification: a Double Challenge Called ADIAC. In: Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing, Venice, Italy, 734-739.

Droop, S.J.M. (1998). Diploneis sejuncta (Bacillariophyta) and some new species from an ancient lineage. Phycologia 37: 340-356. (Click here for pictures of types.)

Droop, S.J.M. (1996). The identity of Diploneis splendida (Bacillariophyta) and some related species. Phycologia 35: 404-420.

Mann, D.G. & Droop, S.J.M. (1996). Biodiversity, biogeography and conservation of diatoms. In Kristiansen, J. (ed.), Biogeography of freshwater algae. Hydrobiologia 336: 19-32.

Droop, S.J.M. (1996). Research note: Correction: Diploneis splendida is an illegitimate name. Diatom Research, 11: 381-382.

Droop, S.J.M. (1995a). A morphometric and geographical analysis of two races of Diploneis smithii/D. fusca (Bacillariophyceae) in Britain. In Marino, D. & Montresor, M. (eds), Proceedings of the 13th International Diatom Symposium, Maratea, Italy, 1-7 Sept. 1994. 347-369. Biopress Ltd, Bristol.

Droop, S.J.M. (1995b). Research note: the Universal Striatometer for photographs and other illustrations. Diatom Research 10: 351-356.

Droop, S.J.M. (1994). Morphological variation in Diploneis smithii and D. fusca (Bacillariophyceae). Archiv für Protistenkunde 144: 249-270.

Droop, S.J.M., Sims, P.A., Mann, D.G. & Pankhurst, R.J. (1993). A taxonomic database and linked iconograph for diatoms. In H. van Dam (ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Diatom Symposium. Hydrobiologia 269/270: 503-508.

Droop, S.J.M. (1993). The "striatometer" - a new device for measuring striation densities. Research Note. Diatom Research 8: 195-198.


Droop, S.J.M. (1997). Parallelism and the implications of a narrower species concept for diatoms. Abstracts, 6th International Phycological Symposium Leiden, August 1997. Phycologia, 36(4) Supplement, 27.

Mann, D.G., Chepurnov, V.A., Droop, S.J.M., Sluiman, H.J. & Guihal, C. (1997). A total evidence study of diatom speciation in a model system: the Waltonian species concept. Abstracts, 6th International Phycological Symposium Leiden, August 1997. Phycologia, 36(4) Supplement, 70.

Droop, S.J.M. & Mann, D.G. (1996). The species concept in diatoms: morphometric and biological studies in the Sellaphora pupula complex from lowland eutrophic waters. Abstracts, 14th International Diatom Symposium, Tokyo 1996: 74.

Droop, S.J.M. & Mann, D.G. (1996). Towards a species concept for diatoms - morphometric and biological studies in the Sellaphora pupula complex from lowland eutrophic waters. Abstracts, 1st European Phycological Congress Cologne, Aug. 11-18, 1996: 12.

Droop, S.J.M. (1995). What can morphology tell us about diatom species? The Phycologist, 40, 19; talk given at the Winter Meeting of the British Phycological Society, University of Portsmouth, 3-6 Jan. 1995.

Reports and Internal Documents

Droop, S.J.M. (1995). BPS Membership December 1994. The Phycologist, 40, 3 (summary).

Droop, S.J.M. (1995). British Diatomists' Meeting. The Phycologist, 41, 14 (meeting announcement).

Droop, S.J.M. (1994). Impressions from the Winter Meeting of the British Phycological Society, 4-7 January, 1994, at the University of Liverpool. Rundschreiben der Sektion Phykologie in der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft [Newsletter of the Phycological Section of the German Botanical Society], 1/5, 4-5.

Droop, S.J.M. (1994). Report of the Membership Secretary. The Phycologist, 37, 18-19.

Droop, S.J.M. (1994). Introduction to the Membership List, and BPS Membership List. The Phycologist, 38, 32-53.

Droop, S. & Bennell, A. (1993). Preliminary report on botanical fieldwork on mainland Shetland in January 1993.

Book Reviews

Christensen, T. (1962-94). Algae: a taxonomic survey. AiO Print Ltd, Odense. (In European journal of Phycology, 29, 281-283)

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