Publications by David Mann:
back upThesis and research papers (1977-1983)
Ross, R., Cox, E.J., Karayeva, N.I., Mann, D.G., Paddock, T.B.B., Simonsen, R., Sims, P.A. (1983). Ispravlennaya terminologiya kremnezemnykh komponentov kletki diatomovykh bodoroslei. Biologicheskie Nauki, 5, 65-76.
Mann, D.G. (1983). Symmetry and cell division in raphid diatoms. Annals of Botany 52: 573-581.
Mann, D.G. (1982d). The use of the central raphe endings as a taxonomic character (Notes for a monograph of the Bacillariaceae 1). Plant Systematics and Evolution 141: 143-152.
Mann, D.G. (1982c). Auxospore formation in Licmophora (Bacillariophyta). Plant Systematics and Evolution 139: 289-294.
Mann, D.G. (1982b). Structure, life history and systematics of Rhoicosphenia (Bacillariophyta) II. Auxospore formation and perizonium structure of Rh. curvata. Journal of Phycology 18: 264-274.
Mann, D.G. (1982a). Structure, life history and systematics of Rhoicosphenia (Bacillariophyta) I. The vegetative cell of Rh. curvata. Journal of Phycology 18: 162-176.
Round, F.E. & Mann, D.G. (1981). The diatom genus Brachysira I Typification and separation from Anomoeoneis. Archiv für Protistenkunde 124: 221-231.
Mann, D.G. (1981c). A new species of sigmoid Nitzschia (Bacillariophyta). Israel Journal of Botany 30: 1-10.
Mann, D.G. (1981b). Studies in the diatom genus Hantzschia 3. Infraspecific variation in H. virgata. Annals of Botany 47: 377-395.
Mann, D.G. (1981a). A note on valve formation and homology in the diatom genus Cymbella. Annals of Botany 47: 267-269.
Round, F.E. & Mann, D.G. (1980). Psammodiscus nov. gen. Based on Coscinodiscus nitidus. Annals of Botany 46: 367-373.
Mann, D.G. (1980b). Hantzschia fenestrata Hust. (Bacillariophyta) - Hantzschia or Nitzschia? British Phycological Journal 15: 249-260.
Mann, D.G. (1980a). Studies in the diatom genus Hantzschia. II. H. distinctepunctata. Nova Hedwigia 33: 341-352.
Mann, D.G. (1978). Studies in the family Nitzschiaceae (Bacillariophyta). xxxiii + 386 pp. + 146 plates. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Bristol.
Mann, D.G. (1977). The diatom genus Hantzschia Grunow - an appraisal. Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 54: 323-354.
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