Publications by Hans Sluiman:
back upResearch papers (1985-1989)
Sluiman H.J., Kouwets F.A.C. & Blommers P.C.J. (1989). Classification and definition of cytokinetic patterns in green algae: sporulation versus (vegetative) cell division. Archiv für Protistenkunde 137: 277-290.
Sluiman H.J. (1989). The green algal class Ulvophyceae. An ultrastructural survey and classification. Cryptogamic Botany 1: 83-94.
Sluiman H.J. & Lokhorst G.M. (1988). The ultrastructure of cellular division (autosporogenesis) in the coccoid green alga, Trebouxia aggregata, revealed by rapid freeze fixation and freeze substitution. Protoplasma 144: 149-159.
Lokhorst G.M., Sluiman H.J. & Star W. (1988). The ultrastructure of mitosis and cytokinesis in the sarcinoid Chlorokybus atmophyticus (Chlorophyta, Charophyceae), revealed by rapid freeze fixation and freeze substitution. Journal of Phycology 24: 237-248.
Sluiman H.J. & Reymond O.L. (1987). Cell division in the green microalga Marvania geminata: semi-exogenous autosporogenesis, role of coated pit-microtubule complexes, and systematic significance. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 36: 231-245.
Reymond O.L., Hindák F. & Sluiman H.J. (1986). Morphologie cellulaire et cycle de développement chez l'algue verte Marvania geminata Hindák. Archive de Science, Genève 39: 243-255.
Sluiman H.J. (1985). Comparative studies on the ultrastructure, phylogeny, and classification of green algae. PhD-thesis, Free University, Amsterdam, 155 pp.
Sluiman H.J. (1985). A cladistic evaluation of the lower and higher green plants (Viridiplantae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 149: 217-232.
Sluiman H.J. (1985). Mitosis and cell division in Cylindrocapsa geminella (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Phycology 21: 523-532.
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