Publications by Hans Sluiman:
back upResearch papers (1990-1999)
Sluiman, H.J. & Guihal, C. (1999). Phylogenetic position of Chaetosphaeridium (Chlorophyta), a basal lineage in the Charophyceae inferred from 18S rDNA sequences. Journal of Phycology 35: 395-402.
Tan I.H., Blomster J., Hansen G., Leskinen E., Maggs C.A., Mann D.G., Sluiman H.J. & Stanhope M.J. (1999). Molecular phylogenetic evidence for a reversible morphogenetic switch controlling the gross morphology of two common genera of green seaweeds, Ulva and Enteromorpha. Molecular Biology and Evolution 16:1011-1018.
Sluiman H.J. (1998). Biology and taxonomy of green algae III: Symposium conclusions. Biologia (Bratislava) 53: 359-360.
Sluiman H.J. & Nelson F. (1994). Micropropagation at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Botanic Gardens Micropropagation News 1(7): 84.
Sluiman H.J. (1993). Chapter 7: Nucleus, nuclear division and cell division. In: Berner T (Ed.), Ultrastructure of Microalgae. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. pp. 221-267.
Sluiman H.J. (1992). Phylogeny of green algae. In: Stabenau H (Ed.), Phylogenetic Changes in Peroxisomes of Algae: Phylogeny of Plant Peroxisomes. University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg.
Sluiman H.J. (1991). Cell division in Gloeotilopsis planctonica, a newly identified ulvophycean alga (Chlorophyta) studied by freeze fixation and freeze substitution. Journal of Phycology 27: 291-298.
Sluiman H.J. & Blommers P.C.J. (1990). Ultrastructure and taxonomic position of Chlorosarcina stigmatica Deason (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta). Archiv für Protistenkunde 138: 181-190.
Sluiman H.J. & Blommers P.C.J. (1990). Evolution of cytokinesis in green algae: a reticulum of tubular membranes characterizes septum membrane biogenesis in Ulvophyceae. In: Wiessner W, Robinson DG, Starr RC (Eds.), Experimental Phycology 1: Cell Walls and Surfaces, Reproduction, Photosynthesis. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 95-106.
Sluiman H.J. & Gärtner G. (1990). Taxonomic studies on the genus Pleurastrum (Pleurastrales, Chlorophyta). I. The type species, P. insigne, rediscovered and isolated from soil. Phycologia 29: 133-138.
Sluiman H.J. & Blommers P.C.J. (1990). Basal apparatus behaviour during cellular division (sporulation) in the coccoid green alga Chlorosarcina. Protoplasma 155: 66-75.
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