Diploneis sejuncta: neotype and epitype
Droop, S.J.M. (1998). Diploneis sejuncta (Bacillariophyta) and some new species from an ancient lineage. Phycologia 37: 340–356.
p. 343:
Diploneis sejuncta (Schmidt) Jørgensen (1905, p. 214)
Synonyms: Navicula sejuncta Schmidt (1874, p. 87, pl. 1, fig. 18; 1875, fig. 50; 1897, figs 9, 10); Caloneis? sejuncta (Schmidt) Cleve (1894, p. 62).
Neotype of N. sejuncta
Alfred Wegener Institut, Bremerhaven (BRM), cat. no. 272/22: Muschelsand [shell sand] von Solwig [corrected in pencil to Solswig on the slide, but spelled Sölsvig in Schmidt 1874; probably = Solsvik, Norway, 60°26'N 4°58'E], Nordsee-Expedition 1872. England Finder reference L32/3.
- differential contrast optics
- pop-up with slider bar
- .avi movie (best viewed with QuickTime): NB there are only two images in this 'movie'!
Epitype of D. sejuncta
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E), cat. no. E2294/4, Lochinver, Scotland, NC 053 247. England Finder reference T44.
- bright field optics
- pop-up with slider bar
- .avi movie (best viewed with QuickTime)
- differential contrast optics
- pop-up with slider bar
- .avi movie (best viewed with QuickTime)
- context photograph
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