Eunophora berggrenii: lectotype


Harper, M.A., Mann, D.G. & Patterson, J.E. (2009). Two unusual diatoms from New Zealand: Tabularia variostriata a new species and Eunophora berggrenii. Diatom Research 24: 291–306.

Eunophora berggrenii (Cleve) D.G. Mann, M.A. Harper & Levkov. Lectotype (designated by Harper et al., op cit.): B.M. Coll. Adams (Natural History Museum, London), Cleve & Möller Diatoms (exsiccata slides), part 2 (1878), slide 90 “Amphora Berggrenii Cl. N. Sp. New Zeeland.” The lectotype (Fig. 20) is at England Finder location K40 (with the right-hand and bottom control edges of the finder co-located with the left and top edges of the type slide, when the label is read normally and lies at the left).

A through-focus image stack of the lectotype can be seen as a .gif (3 Mb) or as an .avi movie (best viewed with QuickTime). Three static images of the lectotype are given below. They show the valve face and striation pattern (top), external raphe and dorsal striae (middle), and internal central raphe fissures, helictoglossae and dorsal thickening (bottom)

Eunophora berggrenii lectotype