BSBI Label
Botanical Society of the British Isles
Introduction Taxa Literature Cytology Geographical Elements

BSBI literature reference search form

Search options

Select from "Regions OR "Vice-Counties", NOT BOTH
Search by taxon name [Help]
Regions [Help]
Vice Counties [Help]
Other search criteria
Author (last name) [Help]
Biography of (last name) [Help]
Date [Help]
Historical references only  Yes  No [Help]
Herbarium references only  Yes  No [Help]

Sort options (select the output sequence)

Sort by [Help]
Author and date 
Latin name, author and date 
Vice county, author and date 

Instructions for searching the BSBI literature data

Search for data using taxon names [Search form]

To see references which relate to a particular taxon, enter the scientific name in which you are interested into the appropriate box in the form, e.g. generic names in the Genus box.

The results of the searches from each of the various boxes will be combined using a logical AND. That is only searches that match ALL the criteria entered will be returned.

 N.B. Entries are not case sensitive.

 Multiple search criteria can be entered into each field and should be separated by a comma. For each field, the values returned will be combined using a logical OR.

 To look up both Gentiana L. and Ajuga L., enter:

Gentiana, Ajuga in the Genus box.

Partial word searches can be performed by appending either a ']' or a '*' to the end of a search word. e.g. If you entered a search value of Gent] in the Genus box, all genera starting with "Gent" would be returned.

Search for data using author names [Search form]

If you wish to locate a reference using the name of the author of a book or an article enter one or more of the authors' surnames in this box. If you enter multiple names in the box, separate each name with a comma if you want any references by any of the authors to be returned. If you wish only references written by the combination of authors entered separate each author name by a space. You can enter a mixture of space-separated and comma-separated names.

Authors are stored in the database according to how they appear on the publication, e.g. I.K. Ferguson might appear also as I. Ferguson or K. Ferguson.

Partial word searches can be performed by appending either a ']' or a '*' to the end of a search word, e.g. if you entered a search value of Sm] in the Author box all references with author names starting with "Sm" would be returned.

Search for data about people [Search form]

If you wish to locate a reference pointing to a work written about a particular person enter the surname of the subject of the work in this box. If you enter multiple names in the box, separate each name with a comma if you want any references relating to any of the names to be returned. If you wish only references about a combination of authors, separate each author name by a space. You can enter a mixture of space-separated and comma-separated names.

Partial word searches can be performed by appending either a ']' or a '*' to the end of a search word. e.g. If you entered a search value of Sm] in the Biography of box all references about people with names starting with "Sm" would be returned.

Search for data using dates [Search form]

If you wish to locate a reference using the year of publication enter the year in this box. You should enter a four-digit year, e.g. 1988. You can specify a range of years by separating two date values with a tilde (~) e.g. 1987~1989 would return all references published between 1987 and 1989 inclusive.

Partial word searches can be performed by appending either a ']' or a '*' to the end of a search word, e.g. if you entered a search value of 198] in the Dates box all references published in the 1980s would be returned. N.B. You cannot combine a range search with a partial word search - all dates entered in a date range search must be four-digit years.

Search for data using vice-county names [Search form]

To see literature information pertaining to a particular vice-county, select the vice-county from the list of vice-counties displayed. You may select more than one vice-county. If you do select more than one vice-county data from any of the vice-counties selected will be returned. To clear your vice county selections without clearing the rest of the form click on the button marked "Clear selections" beneath the vice-county list.

N.B. The "Anywhere" option can only be used in combination with other fields. For example submitting the Genus name Rubus and selecting the "Anywhere" option will return all references for Rubus without regard to the vice-county. Selecting only the "Anywhere" option and submitting a query will return no matches.

If you are using an MS Windows-based or MAC based browser, in order to select multiple values from the vice-county list you must hold down the control key whilst you click on each option you wish to select. Similarly, if you have selected a group of vice-counties and you wish to remove one from the list hold down the control key and click on the option to be removed.

You may also select a group of vice-counties that appear consecutively in the vice-county list by clicking on the first item in the group and then holding down the shift key whilst clicking on the last item in the contiguous block to be selected.

When you have entered search criteria in the taxon name boxes and selected vice-counties the results displayed will be obtained by ANDing your search criteria, i.e. information will only be returned on the taxa which match your specification and which has been gathered in the specified vice-counties.

Search for references using regional names [Search form]

To see references pertaining to a region of the British Isles, select one or more region from the "Regions" list. If you select more than one region, references pertaining any of the regions selected will be returned.

To clear your region selections without clearing the rest of the form click on the button marked "Clear selections" beneath the "Regions" list.

See the vice-county instructions for details of how to select more than one item from a list.

N.B. The "Anywhere" option can only be used in combination with other fields. For example, submitting the Genus name Rubus and selecting the "Anywhere" option will return all references for Rubus without regard to the vice county. Selecting only the "Anywhere" option and submitting a query will return no matches.

Search for references with historical content

You can search for only references with historical content by selecting the Yes button in the Historical references button group. By default the option is set to No. If you select the Yes option and select no other options then all references with historical content will be returned. If other search criteria as well as the historical option are specified then only those records which match the search criteria and have historical content will be returned.

Search for references pertaining to herbaria

You can search for references pertaining to herbaria by selecting the Yes button in the Herbarium references button group. By default the option is set to No. If you select the Yes option and select no other options then all references pertaining to herbaria will be returned. If other search criteria as well as the herbarium option are specified then only those records which match the search criteria and pertain to herbaria will be returned.

Specifying the sort order of your output [Search form]

There are three ways in which you can opt to sort the output results, these are:
  1. By Author and then date.
  2. By Latin name author and then date.
  3. By vice county author and then date.
When selecting the sort order you should bear in mind that records with no value for the selected sort criteria will sort last. These values will be sorted by author and date.