Publications by David Mann:
back upResearch papers (2009–2010)
Mann, D.G. (2010). Discovering diatom species: is a long history of disagreements about species-level taxonomy now at an end? Plant Ecology and Evolution 143: 251–264.
Trobajo, R., Mann, D.G., Clavero, E., Evans, K.M., Vanormelingen, P. & McGregor, R.C. (2010). The use of partial cox1, rbcL and LSU rDNA sequences for phylogenetics and species identification within the Nitzschia palea species complex (Bacillariophyceae). European Journal of Phycology 45: 413–425.
Mann, D.G. & Poulíčková, A. (2010). Mating system, auxosporulation, species taxonomy and evidence for homoploid evolution in Amphora (Bacillariophyta). Phycologia 49: 183–201. [through focus image stacks of Amphora nuclei, showing countable chromosomes, are available on this site]
Harper, M.A., Mann, D.G. & Patterson, J.E. (2009). Two unusual diatoms from New Zealand: Tabularia variostriata a new species and Eunophora berggrenii. Diatom Research 24: 273–290.
Trobajo, R., Clavero, E., Chepurnov, V.A., Sabbe, K., Mann, D.G., Ishihara, S. & Cox, E.J. (2009). Morphological, genetic, and mating diversity within the widespread bioindicator Nitzschia palea (Bacillariophyceae). Phycologia 48: 443–459.
Evans, K.M., Chepurnov, V.A., Sluiman, H.J., Thomas, S.J., Spears, B.M. & Mann, D.G. (2009). Highly differentiated populations of the freshwater diatom Sellaphora capitata suggest limited dispersal and opportunities for allopatric speciation. Protist 160: 386–396.
Evans, K.M., Chepurnov, V.A. & Mann, D.G. (2009). Ten microsatellite markers for the freshwater diatom Sellaphora capitata. Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 216–218.