Publications by David Mann:
back upPhD Dissertation, University of Bristol
Mann, D.G. (1978). Studies in the Nitzschiaceae (Bacillariophyta). Vols 1 & 2. xxxiii + 386 pp. + 146 plates. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Bristol.
- This thesis is an independent publication and should be cited as above.
- All parts of the thesis are now available as pdfs. At present, most of the plates and line illustrations will be found packaged with the thesis chapters that they illustrate. Later, I will provide an independent set of pdfs of all figures and photographic plates in Figure order (written April 2006)
- Nitzschiaceae is a later synonym of 'Bacillariaceae'.
- Inevitably, if I were writing this dissertation now, many things would be changed. The phenetic approach I advocated in 1978 and through the 1980s is inappropriate for higher level classification (though many of its methods remain useful below the species level, where variation is reticulate), and in 1978 I had no information about breeding relationships in diatoms; I would now interpret 'infraspecific variation' in Hantzschia quite differently.
- This thesis contains the first use of 'sternum' and 'raphe-sternum' in diatoms.
- Many taxa have been revised since 1978.
- See also detailed comments on particular chapters and sections
pdfs of individual chapters and plates:
- Title, Acknowledgements, Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Material and methods (Samples, Cytological studies, Preparation of cleaned samples, Ultrasonication, Microscopy)
- Chapter 3: Terminology (Axes and planes of symmetry, Frustule, Marginal ridge, Hyaline fields/sterna, Keel, Costa, Raphe, Girdle, Vela)
- Chapter 4: The Nitzschiaceae
- Introduction
- Epiphytes and parasites of the Nitzschiaceae
- Cell division and auxospore formation
- Colonial organization in the Nitzschiaceae
- Hantzschia
- Nitzschia
- Frustule; Valve morphology and anatomy
- Raphe and associated structures
- Cincture
- Chromatophores and cytology
- sect. Panduriformes
- sect. Tryblionella
- sect. Dubiae
- sect. Pseudoamphiprora
- sect. Perrya
- sect. Insignes
- sect. Scalares
- sect. Grunowia
- sect. Epithemioideae
- sect. Dissipatae
- sect. Spathulatae
- sect. Nitzschia
- sect. Lineares
- sect. Lanceolatae
- sect. Nitzschiella
- sect. Pseudonitzschia
- sect. Fragilariopsis
- Minor genera: Allonitzschia, Bacillaria, Cylindrotheca, Cymatonitzschia, Cymbellonitzschia, Chuniella, Clavularia, Gomphonitzschia, Pseudoeunotia
- Chapter 5: The Epithemiaceae
- Chapter 6: Amphiprora
- Chapter 7: Final discussion (4 Mb)
- Chapter 8: References (4 Mb)
- Text-figures
- Appendices
- Plates