Stacks available [NB the stacks are supplied as .avi files and we
recommend that you view them using Quicktime or other
programmes that give you manual control of progression and reversing
through the series] [NB individual file sizes are up to 15 Mb]:
- Nitzschia dicrogramma (type A1
Loch Goil cells): fixed and stained cell, ventral (raphe) side uppermost
- Nitzschia brachygramma (type A2
Loch Goil cells): fixed and stained cell, ventral (raphe) side uppermost
- Nitzschia parkii (type B
Loch Goil cells): fixed and stained cell, ventral (raphe) side uppermost
- Nitzschia parkii (type B
Loch Goil cells): fixed and stained cell, ventral (raphe) side uppermost
- Nitzschia dicrogramma (type A1 Loch Goil cells): single cleaned valve in valve view
- Nitzschia brachygramma (type A2 Loch Goil cells): single cleaned valve in valve view
- Nitzschia spathulata: fixed and
stained cell. The chloroplasts are like those of N. parkii but the raphe is almost
central and therefore appears in focus in the middle of the stack