Algae World: Phycological Research

Holotype of Nitzschia dicrogramma

type specimen of Nitzschia dicrogramma

Specimen on slide M3/10 (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh) at England Finder reference L38, centre circle, close to sector 1. We provide a low magnification context photograph to make it easier to locate the holotype (red arrow) and an image stack taken with differential interference contrast optics.

See also image stacks of stained cells.


Mann, D.G. & Trobajo, R. (2014, submitted). Symmetry and sex in Bacillariaceae (Bacillariophyta), with descriptions of three new Nitzschia species.

David Mann & Rosa Trobajo
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Aquatic Ecosystems, IRTA, Sant Carles de la Rąpita, Catalunya, Spain
February 2014

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