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Key to Bhutanese Umbelliferae Genera (Part III)
Mark F. Watson
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

58 Petals ovate to lanceolate, apex long acuminate into fine radiating tips, rarely just acute (Acronema bellum) Acronema
+ Petals obovate to ovate, apex rounded or notched, sometimes with an abruptly acuminate inflexed tip 59
59 Leaves ternate; umbels small, umbellules 3–4-flowered; calyx teeth long and subulate; ovary of hermaphrodite flowers covered in developing hooked bristles Sanicula
+ Leaves mainly pinnately divided; umbelules >4-flowered; calyx teeth obsolete to minute, rarely subulate; ovary smooth or variously ornamented but not with hooked bristles 60
60 Ultimate segments of leaves long and filiform 61
+ Ultimate segments of leaves ovate to lanceolate or linear, but not long and filiform 63
61 Bracteoles absent or few; pedicels very unequal Carum
+ Bracteoles present, linear or 3-lobed; pedicels subequal  62
62 Bracts and bracteoles 3-lobed at apex, semi-cartilaginous; calyx teeth subulate, conspicuous Cuminum
+ Bracts and bracteoles entire, membranous; calyx teeth obsolete Trachyspermum
63 Bracts and bracteoles showy, leaf-like, pinnatifid or 3-fid 64
+ Bracts and bracteoles absent or few, both linear to linear-lanceolate 73
64 Bracts finely pinnatifid 65
+ Bracts leaflike or 3-fid 68
65 Erect plants >50cm tall Selinum
+ Dwarf plants <40cm tall  66
66 Slender-stemmed plants with broad sheathing leaves up the stem; stem base naked Schulzia
+ Mainly stemless rosette plants with moderately sheathing basal leaves only; stem base clothed with fibrous leaf remains 67
67 Styles long >1.75mm in young fruit Cortiella
+ Styles short <1.5mm in young fruit Cortia
68 Bracteoles with conspicuous pale, white or coloured margin, sometimes stiff and papery 69
+ Bracteoles without conspicuously coloured margin, usually green and membranous 70
69 Bracteoles herbaceous, often white-margined, falling; pedicels moderately long, umbellules not dense Pleurospermum
+ Bracteoles stiff and papery, not white-margined, persistent; pedicels short, umbellules densely crowded  Pleurospermopsis
70 Leaves finely 2–3 x pinnately divided Keraymonia
+ Leaves simply pinnate 71
71 Plants fibrous at base; fruit, 5-ribbed  Physospermopsis
+ Plants with papery leaf remains at base; fruit 5- or 10-ribbed 72
72 Calyx teeth present; stylopodium domed, not flanged; fruit 5-ribbed Keraymonia
+ Calyx teeth obsolete; stylopodium flat-domed with thick rim wider than ovary; fruit 10-ribbed Chamaesium
73 Very robust perennials, usually >1.5m tall Angelica
+ Slender annuals to moderately large perennials mainly <1.5m  74
74 Short, almost stemless dwarf plants; leaves 1-pinnate, oblong in outline Chamaesium
+ Plants usually not stemless and dwarf; leaves >1 x pinnately or ternately decompound, triangular to ovate in outline 75
75 Plants entirely glabrous 76
+ Plants villous or hairy, at least on the main veins of the leaves and around the nodes 77
76 Leaves very finely dissected, ultimate segments <0.5mm broad; rays very unequal Vicatia
+ Leaves less finely dissected, ultimate segments >0.5mm broad; rays subequal Tongoloa
77 Umbels small, <6-rayed 78
+ Umbels larger, >6-rayed 80
78 Plants villous on stem and leaves; leaves 2–5-pinnate, leaflets deeply pinnatifid Chaerophyllum
+ Plants not villous; leaves ternately decompound; leaflets not deeply pinnatifid 79
79 Stems and leaves below sparsely villous; bracts present, early falling; bracteoles lanceolate; calyx teeth obsolete Osmorhiza
+ Stems and leaves essentially glabrous; bracts absent; bracteoles few, small, linear; calyx teeth minute, triangular Lalldhwojia
80 Plants almost glabrous, weakly stemmed to scrambling, 1–2m tall Angelica sikkimensis
+ Plants erect-stemmed, pubescent, at least around the nodes, rarely >1m tall and not scrambling 81
81 Flowers dark purple Cnidium
+ Flowers white to tinged purplish 82
82 Erect annuals with downwardly pilose stems; ovary covered in developing spines Torilis
+ Erect annuals or perennials; stems not downwardly pilose; ovary smooth or variously ornamented but without developing spines 83
83 Leaves ternate to 1–3-pinnate; bracts few or absent Pimpinella
+ Leaves 3–4-pinnate, bracts present 84
84 Stem hairs short around the nodes; leaves glabrous above Selinum
+ Stems hairs longer around the nodes; leaves pubescent above (or whole plant essentially glabrous) Ligusticum

Family Front PageKey to Genera Part IKey to Genera Part II
Page developed and maintained by Mark Watson